If you encounter this error while trying to update Musio on Windows, don’t worry—we do have a fix available. Please follow these steps:
Contact Support
- Reach out to our Support team at support@musio.com.
- Let us know that you’re experiencing this error and provide a brief description of the issue.
- Open Musio Connect and find the App Version you’re currently on in the bottom left hand corner. Let us know what that version number is as well.
Receive the Installer File
- Our team will send you an installer file for the same version of Musio that you are currently using.
Install the Provided Version
- Use the installer file to reinstall your current version of Musio. This will bypass the error message.
Update to the Latest Version
- Once the reinstall is complete, log in to portal.musio.com.
- Click one of the installer buttons in the top-right corner to download and install the latest version of Musio. That should solve this issue!
- If you have any further issues with it, don’t hesitate to reach back out to Support.