What are Musio's Compatibility Requirements?
PC - Intel i5 4th Gen (or newer) or Ryzen R5 series
MAC - OSX 10.14+ Supported Machines (M1 and M2 are also supported)
Hard drive Space: depends on instrument use - Recommended free space: 500gb
RAM - Recommended 16gb+
Plugin formats: AU, AAX, VST3
Which OS versions will Musio work on?
Musio is supported on macOS version 10.14 or above and Windows 10 or above.
How much space will I need to use Musio?
We recommend a minimum of 240GB free hard drive space, but this depends on how many Instruments you download. Musio Instruments may require anywhere from <2MB to ~2.2GB of hard drive space apiece. Set your download content location to a drive with ample room to store the samples you want to use.
What is Musio Connect? Why do I need to have it running?
Musio Connect is the background app that handles downloading and content management for Musio Instruments. This app is separate from the Musio software instrument, and must be running in order for Musio plugin or standalone instances to validate your membership and connect to the cloud-based Catalog. Musio Connect is also where you can manage your Settings for various workflow and functionality of Musio itself.
Do I need an active internet connection to use Musio?
Musio does not require a constant connection to run, so if you lose internet connectivity while working, the plugin will not stop working. Any ongoing downloads will pause and resume when connection is restored. As long as you connect at least once per month to verify your active Membership status you can use Musio offline and load any instruments you have downloaded already into the Instrument Rack. This is great for taking a project on the go!
Important – an active internet connection is required to download new content. Musio cannot be used on machines that have no internet capability, since membership status verification is required.
How often will Musio be updated with new content?
The Musio catalog will be updated regularly.
Will Musio be supported for VST2?
We have no plans currently to offer support for VST2 as VST2 licenses are being discontinued.
Is there an EDU discount for Musio?
Yes! We are pleased to offer the yearly subscription for Musio to students and faculty for just $49 per year! You will need to renew your eligibility per year by sending in documentation to support@musio.com that shows that you qualify, which can include a school ID, class schedule, tuition statement, etc. Once your EDU subscription expires, you'll be able to switch to a normal monthly or annual plan at that time.
Schools interested in purchasing lab licenses or making bulk purchases can inquire at support@musio.com.